Sub groups
We have many subgroups at ARWI and we are always open to suggestions as to how we can improve and expand our offer
‘Tea in the Park: 1st Monday of the month – Hotham Park Café
Afternoon Tea: 1st Saturday afternoon of the month, 14.30 – various locations
‘I Tea” Solutions: 2nd Monday afternoon of the month, 14.00– Bognor Sports Club
‘Between the Covers’ Book Club: 2nd Thursday of the month, 18.30 – members take turns to host
‘Spilling the Beans’: 3rd Monday morning of the month, 10.30 – The Deli at Aldwick
‘Movie Queens’ – dates and times to be shared
Walking Group – dates and times to be shared
‘Cereal Killers’ Breakfast Club, bi-monthly – various locations
‘Dining Divas’ Supper Club, bi-monthly – various locations
‘Walkie Talkies’ – Prom Plodding Group – every Wednesday in the Summer 18.00 – The Waverley
Craft Group - tba