Hello Ladies,
We are now into the build-up for the festive season, with pounds (£) being spent and pounds (lbs) being added to the waistline. I can’t help much with the first pounds (£) but in the New Year, Penny will be starting her new Dance Aerobics class, especially for our members, which may help us with the second pounds (lbs). I hope that as many of you as possible will sign up to her fun Monday evening sessions. Penny has very kindly offered, that once the cost of the venue is covered, any profit should go to our ARWI funds. More details to follow.
As you begin to get drawn into the Festive frolics, please remember the following…….
Thank You
• To Barbara for organising last month’s walking group. I hope it wasn’t too wet…
• To Jackie for hosting the inaugural “Knit & Natter” sub-group. It was a huge success!
• To the Committee members for another productive meeting last Thursday.
• To Caroline L. for being our designated food hygiene representative and to Jackie, Sarah, Carol and Lindsay for supervising the ARWI Sale Table at the Christmas Event at Seasons today.
• To every single one of you who contributed in any way to providing the sumptuous array of goodies for sale at the Christmas Event. We raised £185 for our funds.
• To Carol and Penny for researching venues and for organising our new Dance Aerobics sub-group.
• To Gina who has kindly volunteered to organise Theatre trips for us in the New Year. Details to follow.
• To Mia for all her help at the Christmas Sale. She is a star.
I’d like to wish Sue P. a very Happy Birthday for 28th December. You are our only member to have a birthday in December!
Christmas Sale Table at Seasons
We had a marvellous array of goodies to sell at the Christmas Event this afternoon and raised the magnificent sum of £185 for our ARWI funds. We all had a lot of fun at the Sale and there was a really good, Christmas vibe in the room. You are such a generous group of ladies and ours was definitely one of the best stalls at the event. We sold all the cakes and only had a handful of chutneys left. The few unsold craft items will be donated to My Sister’s House. So once again, a huge Thank You to all of you who contributed in any way.
Our next meeting, on Thursday, 15th December, will be our annual Christmas Party. This year, we plan to follow the same model we used for the Queen’s Jubilee celebration meeting, which proved to be a huge success, and ask each Hub to be responsible for bringing along specific food items to share. The Committee will set up the hall and clear away. Each member will be provided with a welcome drink on entry and soft drinks, tea and coffee during the evening. The bar will be open as usual if you wish to purchase drinks and the wonderful Dawn Gracie will be our entertainment for the evening. (If you’re lucky, Father Christmas may have paid you a visit by then). There will be our usual raffle with some lovely Christmas prizes and sign-up sheets will be available for Dining Divas, Dance Aerobics, Goodwood Spa and Afternoon Tea. Any food left over will be donated to Stone Pillow. Last year, we had an enormous amount of food left over, which is why it’s vital to let your Hub Leader know if you are unable to attend the party. Dress code is to wear whatever you feel most comfortable in: if you’d like to wear your favourite Christmas jumper, silly Christmas headbands or best Christmas frock, you won’t look out of place.
These are the plans for bringing food for us all to share:
Aileen’s Hub – Sandwiches/Finger Rolls
Lindsay’s Hub – Sausage Rolls
Carol’s Hub – Mince Pies
Sarah H’s Hub – Crisps, peanuts, twiglets etc.
Jackie’s Hub – Chocolate of any description
Sharon’s Hub – Fruit
Josie’s Hub – Cheese and biscuits
Quiz Sub-group
I was delighted to see that nine ladies signed up for our new Quiz sub-group. For anyone who was absent at the last meeting and would like to join this sub-group, please just let me know and I will add you to the list.
Hopefully, in the New Year, we’ll have a list of local quiz nights and we can start to enter these.
I’m sure that we all have items floating around the house that we don’t need any more but are too good to just give away. In January, I’d like to start a Buy/Sell/Wanted book at our meetings. The idea is that members will have the opportunity to advertise in the book anything that they might have for sale/wanted. You write a description, price and your contact details in the book. Anyone who would like to make further enquiries, simply tears out the top copy and liaises directly with the seller. If the transaction is successful, we’d ask for a voluntary 5% of the sale price to go to our ARWI funds. What better way is there than to clear the decks of unwanted items in the New Year and to make a little money at the same time?
For those of you who signed up to go to Carols at the Albert Hall on 18th December, would you please ensure that you let Sarah H know where you’d like the coach to pick you up. Please reply to her post on our Facebook page or contact her directly.
Have a good week everyone.
Aileen x