Hello Ladies,
It’s been a week of sadness following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you to all those who came to our meeting last Thursday and took part in our small act of remembrance.
So much has been said and written to mark the occasion. These WI acknowledgments were shared at the meeting. A formal obituary, statement and video from Ann Jones have been uploaded to the NFWI website, with a link to the NFWI condolence book. All comments will be collated into a formal book at the end of the period of mourning and sent to the Palace.
The link is: https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/oraXSYiu
Floral Tribute by Simon Armitage, Poet Laureate
The statement above was by Ann Jones, Chair of the NFWI
I’d like to offer a warm welcome to our newest member, Mia, who is the manager of Seasons and who will, I’m sure be a huge asset to our group.
Thank You
To Sally Holmes for her very informative talk on CPR and how to work a defibrillator. Sally gave us all a card to take away for quick reference which I’ll add here for those who didn’t attend the meeting.
To Josie’s Hub ladies for providing the refreshments for the meeting and for clearing up at afterwards. I think that we’ve learnt that saucers and plates will not be used in future!
To Val and Doreen for leading us in renditions of ‘Jerusalem’ and ‘The National Anthem’ and for organising the raffle along with Jackie.
To Sharon for taking the mountain of blister packs to Superdrug. I think we excelled ourselves with donations this month!
To Carol for keeping me sane before the meeting 😊 and for being my right-hand woman.
To the whole Committee for organising your roles in the new venue so efficiently and for your support in adapting the planned meeting at short notice.
To all of you who have completed the questionnaire. For those who were not at the meeting, you will find a copy of the questionnaire attached to the email. Please return completed questionnaires to aldwick.revival.wi@gmail.com or to your Hub Leader. Your opinions matter, for us to shape future events and speakers.
A huge WELL DONE! To Lindsay and Sarah who stoically waited 14 hours in ‘The Queue’ to view the Queen lying in state. They finally got to see the coffin at 05.45 on Saturday morning.
Monday, 19th September will be a truly historic day. Know that wherever you will be viewing the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, it will be a memory that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Have a good week everyone and I hope to see some of you at sub-group events.